With an action, you can use the Gate spell, which lets you open a magic portal to a precise location on a different plane of existence. With a Cubic Gate, you can access six different planes of existence, including the Material Plane. A creature in the area when you cast the spell must succeed on a Strength saving throw or be restrained by the entangling plants until the spell ends. Let’s try and make it a little more accurate though. For the duration, these plants turn the ground in the area into difficult terrain. So the limitation does not prevent you from teleporting into another creatures space, only into the place filled by their physical body. If you would arrive in a place already occupied by an object or a creature. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 4th level or higher, the damage increases by 1d10 for each slot level above 3rd. Grasping weeds and vines sprout from the ground in a 20-foot square starting from a point within range. Dimension Doors limitation does not talk about space, it talks about place. The creature must be within 5 feet of you when you cast this spell, and there must be an unoccupied space within 5 feet of your destination space for the creature to appear in otherwise, the creature is left behind.Īt Higher Levels. You can also teleport one willing creature of your size or smaller who is carrying gear up to its carrying capacity. Teleporting around the battlefield, or past the guards, has lots of utility, especially when you can start bringing someone with you. You can bring along objects as long as their weight doesn’t exceed what you can carry. The description of the spell says: As you cast the spell, you draw a 10-foot-diameter circle on the ground inscribed with sigils that link your location to a permanent teleportation circle of your choice whose sigil sequence you know and that is on the same plane of existence as you. The Githyanki is an interesting mix of traits, combining some free. If you are using the previous version of the Gith, see our Gith Handbook. The thunder can be heard from up to 300 feet away. However trying to teleport beyond the length of the restraints resulted in feeling like his limb was being torn off and then remaining where he started. Originally published as a subrace of the Gith in Mordenkainen’s Tome of Foes, the Githyanki was updated in Monsters of the Multiverse as party of WotC’s move away from the idea of subraces. Immediately after you disappear, a thunderous boom sounds, and each creature within 10 feet of the space you left must make a Constitution saving throw, taking 3d10 thunder damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.

You teleport yourself to an unoccupied space you can see within range.